Direct bonding, also known as dental bonding or tooth bonding, is a method that involves covering the surface of the teeth with a composite material that is tooth-colored. Other names for this process are tooth bonding and dental bonding. After that, the resin is sculpted, molded, and polished to mimic the natural teeth, which ultimately results in an improvement in both the beauty and functioning of the dentition structure.
Enhancing the look of teeth and correcting minor dental concerns may be accomplished with the use of direct bonding, which is a flexible and efficient procedure. On the other hand, the longevity of the outcomes is dependent on factors such as the level of dental cleanliness and the lifestyle choices that are followed. If you want your bonded teeth to last as long as possible, it is very necessary to follow the directions that your dentist gives you about how to care for and maintain them appropriately. For those who are considering dental bonding as a potential treatment option, Queen's Plate Dental in Etobicoke is an excellent dental practice to visit.